Cosmetic Dentistry

A woman with long brown hair smiling at the camera.

If you do not like the color of your teeth or the spacing of your teeth, please ask when you come in for your visit what your options are for improving your smile.

The choices vary from whitening your teeth to covering your teeth with composite material or porcelain. If you need some minor teeth rearrangement, this can also be done with crowns or veneers rather than orthodontic treatment in a more time-efficient manner.

A woman sitting in a chair with a mirror in front of her.

Tooth Bleaching and Professional Teeth Whitening

Let’s say you have one tooth that is dark from a previous root canal treatment. This is not unusual as when a tooth loses the blood supply, the red blood cells coat the inside of the tooth, and since the tooth is somewhat transparent, the tooth will appear darker. One treatment that works well is internal bleaching of the just that tooth.

Just as a white shirt may be bleached in the laundry, a single tooth that has had a root canal can be bleached from the inside. This helps that tooth closely match your other teeth.

Professional teeth whitening in our dental office can dramatically and safely lighten your teeth as well.

Tooth-Colored Fillings and Bonding and Crowns

Today we place many more tooth-colored fillings than silver (amalgam) or gold fillings. These fillings blend with your smile and are not noticeable.

However, all dental materials serve a purpose, and in certain situations, one material is far better than another.

Fortunately, in most cases in dentistry, the patient has a choice of material, and many times there is a cost difference. If you have concerns about any of the filling materials, please ask. If one material is better, you will be informed of that fact, and you and your dentist will come to a decision based on sound information.

We can also use the materials that create tooth-colored fillings to correct flaws on a tooth or teeth. This is an inexpensive and noninvasive technique called dental bonding. And a dental crown is an excellent option for concealing damage and discoloration.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are tooth-colored shells that go over the fronts of your teeth, giving you a Hollywood caliber smile.

They can conceal the following:

  • Short teeth
  • Flawed teeth
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Gummy smiles

Do It Just for You!

Many patients find as they get older that they finally have the time and can afford to go ahead and change their smile to something they can be proud to show off. When they were younger, they had other priorities, or maybe their family had to come first. Now the children are out of the house, and it is time to do something positive for themselves.

Frequently cosmetic dentistry can be spread out over time to be more budget-friendly and take advantage of dental benefits or HSA accounts. The first step is to develop a plan with the dentist, so everyone knows what the desired end result is, and then partition the project up into phases so that it can be accomplished over time.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Cosmetic Dentist

We can’t wait to help you realize your best smile.

We provide beautiful smiles in all locations, including Lansing, East Lansing, Haslett, Saint Johns, Okemos, and beyond.

A woman standing next to a window smiling.

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