Bruxism and TMJ Therapy
During the COVID pandemic, the stress levels of all citizens have gone up dramatically. The number of people with broken teeth who come into the dental office has increased significantly. Some reports estimate a ten-fold upsurge. Some of these teeth can be saved, but others have to need extraction.
We do not want to see our patients lose their teeth to bruxism—a treatable condition.
Bruxism Treatment
Bruxism causes the following symptoms to different degrees:
- Tooth wear
- Cavities
- Tooth breakage
- Tooth loss
- Jaw pain
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
Fortunately, our dentist can see the telltale signs during a dental exam. This wear can be found on the biting surfaces of teeth and along the gum line.
You may not fully understand how the tooth can lose enamel along the gumline, but it results from the tooth flexing due to the incredible forces generated during bruxism.
This loss of enamel can cause tooth sensitivity to temperature changes, sweets, or just breathing in air and that air hitting the exposed tooth.
TMJ and Bruxism Treatment
Schedule Your Bruxism and TMJ Evaluation with Your Dentist
Your compassionate dentist never wants to see you in pain or find your teeth at risk.
Our dentist treats these conditions everywhere, including Lansing, East Lansing, Haslett, Saint Johns, and Okemos.